Workshop on Parataxonomy 18-19 September 2019
1. Butterflies and Dragonflies : Dr. Jafer Palot, Senior Zoological Assistant, Zoological Survey of India, Western Ghats Regional Centre, Kozhikode
2. Amphibians : Mr. Sandeep Das, Reasearch Fellow, EDGE Fellow, KFRI, Peechi, Thrissur
3. Fishes : Dr. Shaji C.P., Expert on fishes of Western Ghats
18th September:
Workshop on Faunal Taxonomy commenced with an inaugural session in the college Seminar Hall at 1.30 pm. The session was chaired by the Principal, Dr. Balachandran. S. HOD in charge welcomed the gathering. Ms. Manju,B.L. (IQAC Coordinator), Dr. Sajiv, (PTA Executive Member) and Ms. Vismaya (Union Representative) felicitated the programme. The session was followed by technical session on
“Taxonomy of butterflies and Odonates” by Dr. Jafer Palot, Senior Zoological Assistant, ZSI-WGRC Calicut.
19th September:
The second day of the workshop included two sessions. The session in the forenoon dealt with “Taxonomy of frogs and reptiles” by Sandeep Das and second session in the afternoon dealt “Taxonomy of fishes” by Dr. Shaji C.P. All the sessions detailed on faunal diversity of Kerala and impact of flood and landslides on the diversity.